Interactive Screen Types

Slide Show

Create a slide show by uploading images, video and text to a series of screens that can tell a story.
Optimal image size 535px x 400px

Slide Show w/ Jump

Create a slide show by uploading images and adding text to a series of screens that auto-play.  Include up to 4 options to “jump” the learner to other screens in the course.  Useful in scenarios.
Optimal image size 400px x 300px

Image Rollover:

Make a text box appear when a learner rolls over an image. Used to reduce screens that are heavy in text. Optimal image size dependent on number of images. Images will resize depending on the amount of images on the screen.

Image Rollover w/ Jump

Make a text box appear when a learner rolls over an image.  Include up to 4 options to “jump” the learner to other screens in the course. Optimal image size dependent on number of images. Images will resize depending on the amount of images on the screen.

Target Rollover

Make a text box appear when a learner rolls over a specific part of the image on the screen.  Can also be used with a composite image to create menus, etc.
Optimal image size 570px x 425px


Target Rollover w/ Jump

Make a text box appear when a learner rolls over a specific part of the image on the screen. Include up to 4 options to “jump” the learner to other screens in the course.
Optimal image size 430px x 320px


Animated List

Text appears on screen one line item at a time with adjustable timings.


Animated List w/ Jump

Text appears on screen one line item at a time with adjustable timings.  Include up to 4 options to “jump” the learner to other screens in the course. iPad compatible.


Tip: For images .png’s are ideal if you want a transparent background. .jpegs have better compression so they will have a smaller file size and load quicker.


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