Getting Started with Course Authoring

To help you get started using Udutu Authoring we created this Getting Started Guide that will walk you through getting set up and creating your first course.

1.    Set up your free trial:

a.    Go to

b.    Click on “Try for Free” and complete the registration form.

c.     Enter your payment information (you will not be charged for 30 days)

d.    Click on the link provided in the confirmation email to validate your account.  Now you are ready to log in and begin!

 Note: Your validation email should arrive in your inbox soon after you register. If it doesn’t, check your junk mail folder.

2.    Create your first course:

Log into Udutu Authoring using your email (username) and password. When you log in, the Workspace Page is displayed where you can create a new course.

3.    Let the Help button assist you.

If at any point you need assistance, click the question mark in the bottom left-hand side of the screen for help videos. Now you are ready to begin authoring!

For steps on authoring and a detailed guide see our Udutu Authoring User Manual.  If you have questions check out our FAQs Resource.

in FAQsGetting Started

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