How can I embed a YouTube, Vimeo, or other web based video into my course?

To embed a web based video in your course follow these steps:

  1. On the site where the video is being hosted, select and copy the Embed link for the video. Different providers will have different places to access this code – usually as part of their Share options.
  2. Add a Text Only Screen Template to your course. (Any other basic screen with a rich text area can also be used)
  3. Click the Edit Button you see when you roll over the text portion of the screen.
  4. In the Rich Text Editor, click the HTML icon <> (located below the text editing box). This will put you into the HTML editor.
  5. Paste in the embed code you accessed from the video hosting site/service.
  6. Click Save

To preview the screen, select Preview from Screen Editor on the main screen of the course authoring tool.

NOTE: You can change the alignment (center, left, right) and change the size of the video by using the options in the text editor and/or by working directly in the HTML code (ie: change the height and width of the video in the HTML)

in FAQsWorking With Video

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