To embed a web based video in your course follow these steps:
- On the site where the video is being hosted, select and copy the Embed link for the video. Different providers will have different places to access this code – usually as part of their Share options.
- Add a Text Only Screen Template to your course. (Any other basic screen with a rich text area can also be used)
- Click the Edit Button you see when you roll over the text portion of the screen.
- In the Rich Text Editor, click the HTML icon <> (located below the text editing box). This will put you into the HTML editor.
- Paste in the embed code you accessed from the video hosting site/service.
- Click Save
To preview the screen, select Preview from Screen Editor on the main screen of the course authoring tool.
NOTE: You can change the alignment (center, left, right) and change the size of the video by using the options in the text editor and/or by working directly in the HTML code (ie: change the height and width of the video in the HTML)