Add Other Learning Activities to a Learning Path

Adding Tasks from the Library to a Learning Path

  1. To add a task from the library, hover your mouse over the green arrow beside the “task” button, then click on “Existing”.
  2. Select the appropriate task from the list.
IB06a_organize path
Adding “Ad Hoc” Tasks to a Learning Path

  1. To create an “ad hoc” task to be used for this specific Learning Path only, click on the “task” button.
  2. Complete the required fields in the Edit Task Options screen.
IB06B_organize adhoc path
Adding Face-to-Face Sessions from the Library to a Learning Path
  1. To add a face to face session from the library, hover your mouse over the green arrow beside the “face to face course” button, and then click on “Existing”.
  2. Select the appropriate face to face session from the list.
IB06c_organize f2f

Adding “Ad Hoc” Face-to-Face Session to a Learning Path

  1. To create an “ad hoc” face to face session to be used for this specific Learning Path only, click onthe “face to face course” button.
  2. Complete the required fields in the Edit Face to Face Options screen.
IB06c_organize adhoc f2f

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