Activity Reports Tab Overview

This feature allows you to view completion reports for all users assigned to the selected course(s).

  1. Highlight the applicable course(s) in the list to the left.
  2. Click the arrow button to move the course(s)  to right of the screen.
  3. Click the “Create Report” button to generate the report.
IF00_activity reports tab

Training Record Status Definitions

 Completion Completed: Learner has visited every screen of the course.
Incomplete: Learner has not visited every screen of the course.
Not Attempted: Learner has not accessed this course.
 Success Passed: Learner has achieved the passing grade for a scored activity.
Failed: Learner has not achieved the passing grade for a scored activity.
Unknown: There are no scored assessments to mark for this activity.
 Score Score achieved for this module/course (if applicable)
 Total Time
Amount of time the learner spent visiting this course/module

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